Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Boot Beach 2010...Day 3
Boot Beach 2010.....Day 2
We started day 2 up river in one of Dad's favorite spots, we'd fish though the hole once, and we're going back through some less likely spots when i looked down to see dad's rod doubled over and it was fish on!
Boot Beach 2010.....Day 1
My original plan was to come down thrusday afternoon, but those were changed since i had a JOB interview, and i wasn't about to pass up anything with the word JOB in it, so i did my interview on Thursday, and Friday morning i headed down to meet up with Dad for some fishing, while hopeing to here a ya' or na' on my hopefull job before cell phone service was lost........
At 11:30 cell service was lost and i arrived to find dad in the camper tying up some jigs, and getting things ready for some fishing. He told me how great Thrusday had been, with him catching 3 steelhead, with two being hatchery keepers...this trip was looking good already!
We had some lunch and fished a few spots, and then headed back to the camper and hit one last hole before calling it a day and heading for some dinner.
Luck was on my side and within just a couple of casts it was "FISH ON!"
This guy put up a great battle, lots of big powerfull runs and more than a couple of great jumps. After a few minutes, he was getting tired, and a quick visual inspection showed an Adipose fin still attached, indicating a wild steelhead that must be released.
A quick flip of the pliars, and me manageing to dump everything out of my pockets....He was ready for a quick "Grip and Grin" photo, and sent on his way back up river.
We headed to "town" and along the way came into cell phone service once again. Low and behold i had a message from Barlean's with them wanting me to call them regarding my interview. With some phone tag and left messages, i finally got a call back just as dad and i were getting ready to eat some good looking Pizza! A short minute later it was a high five with dad, i had been offered the job!
What a day.....what a year! For the first time in over a year i felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders! I was to start on Wednesday at 8 a.m.......man...what an awsome day!
Stay tuned for days 2 and 3.......
From the North where things are looking up....which is nice
Mark...."The Iron Skillet"
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Welchs' Bet's
I know this may bore most of you, but this has been my bright spot as of lately, and i'm going to give you a little recap of the things that have been done over the last few weeks......so, bear with me........here goes
So the first addition to the new boat was installing my 9.9 yami. from the old boat. A great trolling motor, and i hope it will be a good fit on the back of this old gal.
In order to mount the kicker motor i had to install a new fuel water seperator system, that had two ports, and can directly draw from the 100 gallon fuel tank (yes, you read correctly, 100 GALLONS!). The nice thing about this new system is any water can be drained from the bottom of this filter system, and hopefully will ensure clean fuel. My next big task was mounting my other fish finder/gps to the one dad left in there. At first i was just going to run one unit, but the more i thought about it, the more i liked running two. Why run two you might ask? Well, now i can run one unit in full screen gps mode, and the other unit i can run in full screen fish finder mode. Overkill you might think? Naaaaa....we're talking man talk here......more is always better! The nice discovery was the placement of the new gps antena. Notice the "hockey puck" with the cord near the window in the picture below. A little Marine 5200 and she was glued in place recieveing a perfect signal, even with my hand placed over the top! (A good thing, to say the least)!
A view from the helm postion, the cool part of these two units is the fish finder mode unit i put on a swivel base and will be able to turn it, so i can see it while running the trolling motor from the aft of the boat (Told ya i was gonna get a little detailed here!)A little more "messing about" and i discovered this old lowerance bottom reader in the dash. Dad had told me it didn't work, but to my surprise with a little bit of "elbow grease" i got this one up and running again too! Here's the proof, sitting in the driveway, she's reading 2' deep........and right she is! 2' from the bottom of the hull to the ground!
Isa had a lot of fun today, She got to watch the movie Aladin up in the cuddy cabin, while i worked on the other stuff. I'd ask her quite often if she was done....and each time she'd say "nooooo dadda, i want to stay in the boat, we go fishing o'kay?". I told her this weekend, and i hope to keep my promise as long as the weather holds.
And last but not least, we had to mount "woody" up somewhere. He still likes his postion on the bow. So i Think with a few zip ties we can accomodate his request!
So, from the North....
Where Boats, kids, and the promise of a fishing trip keep our chins up and we still spit into the wind too.....
Mark..."The Iron Skillet"