Friday, October 16, 2009

Old School

As i'm sure you've all heard or read. Nicole has really crunched the budget this year. Due to both daycare costs and my 1/2 time employment. So sacrifices have had to be made. For me this comes in the form of Coffee! I LOVE coffee, and more so i like GOOD coffee. Unfotunatly, good coffee is expensive.....(i.e. not in the budget). So the solution has been FOLGERS. In all honesty i HATE folgers! I think it tastes like rancid, acidic, CRAP! BUT......i'd rather drink that than no coffee at all. So this week, i started on Folgers. The first pot in the regular drip coffee maker took some more hair off my head, and added hair where i really don't need any more...but...i won't go there.

After that first day of black acid tar i started thinking of ways to make this coffee taste better. That's when i found myself remembering last Feburary's fishing trip with dad in the camper. We used the Perculator coffee pot, and had FOLGERS and as my fadeing memory served me tasted pretty good.
That's all it took for to the shop i went on a search and destroy mission and eventually found my old perk pot, and hastily mixed and matched parts until i had it put back together.
On Tuesday morning, the old pot was set to work, and Wa-la.....i've got some pretty good tasting coffee once again!

I have to say i'm quite pleased. The Elec. coffee maker has been put in the shop, and "old Faithfull" has found a new position in the kitchen.

So...From the North.....Where we say "Bring on the Folger's", make sure to drink it pipeing hot, and go "Old School" too!

Mark......"The Iron Skillet"

1 comment:

  1. it's good you are so resourceful
    i know how nicole's budget's can be
    remember the movie rental ? ? ?
