My Mother has quilted for years, and has produced MANY wonderfull quilts!
But, that being said, this last visit she showed me a quilt that i truely fell in LOVE with.
This is one of the COOLEST quilts she's made.......and she's made a TON! No insult to what mom's made in the past, this is the ONE that just struck my fancy the most.
So.......I just have to share with everyone else in the world.
So, here it is........the ULTIMATE SALMON fish quilt.
Of course we have to have a picture of MOM with her product.
Again, what an AWSOME quilt!
BUT.....for now, everyone can DROOL at a glimpse of the BEST fish quilt around!
From the north......where we fish....and admire QUILTS too......
a mama always knows the way to her boys heart!