Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Derby

Hello to all,
I know I haven't posted in awhile, but....i've been busy.
I intended to post about Sarnia but, time is short this morning so, i thought i'd do a Derby Recap instead.
This year, due to a broken boat, i didn't think i was going to get to fish the Derby, and was disappointed to say the least. At the last minute my friends Gene and his wife asked if i'd still like to fish the derby and fish out of there boat. Needless to say i jumped at the chance. In the mean time, my boat was fixed and put back together in working order. So, my return trip from Sarnia was planned so that i would arrive on Friday, and as soon as i got home from the airport i'd be ready to start fishing.
Friday found me home by 2 p.m., and fishing by 4 p.m.. Although solo, it felt good to get my big boat back on the water, even if i didn't have nary a strike, and by 8 p.m. i was headed back to the dock. I was in bed by 11 p.m., as i laid my head down on the pillow that night, i did the math and i'd been up for 22 hours.....what a journey that day had been!

Saturday, 3:30 came all to soon, but i managed to drag myself out of bed and meet Gene and Yolanda at the boat launch at 4:30.
It was a beautiful day and I had a good feeling for the day.

As we were headed out of the Harbor i noticed this little gal in the front window of Genes boat.
A dancing hula girl, placed there for luck. Being pretty superstious myself, i had to give her a couple of "strokes" for luck!

We were fishing by 5:30 at my favorite spot, Indian Village, and within an hour we had our first fish on. It was short lived, and only a few head shakes were felt before it spit the hooks. A good sign, but no fish in the boat.
Another hour went by and down went Gene's rod. A short tug of war ensued, and as the fish was almost in the net, when out pulled the hooks. A sinking feeling to see a 10 pound king laying on it's side for a couple of seconds, just 1 foot to far from the end of the net! Off it swam, back to the depths.

20 minutes later, and down goes my rod. I fight the fish as delicately as possible not wanting to lose it, but 10 feet from the boat, the fish takes a funny turn, and out come my hooks! Another 10 pound fish...GONE!

0 for 3, Things weren't going quite as we'd hoped but, we were to stick it out all day, and stick it out we did.
We trolled and trolled and trolled and nothing happened!

At 5 p.m., we started talking about packing it in and heading in. We'd decided on one more pass, and then we'd go.

Well, that last pass paid off and then some. My rod took a dive, and the fish tripped out of the downrigger before i even got it out of the holder.

My Knuckle Buster reel screemed in delight, and Grandpa George's old fenwick rod doubled under the weight of a big fish!

The fish fought well, with long runs, and powerfull head shakes, a great fight for a great salmon.

Gene did a textbook net job, and fish in the boat!

Back at the docks, the fish weighed in at 25 pounds 13 ounces.
We were in the Derby now!
Sunday, was a weather change and the fish were down, with few biters, and for us that ment none.
At noon, the results were in and our fish placed 9th! Not bad at all. My prize was a $300 Bradley smoker. Something i've wanted for quite some time, but could never afford. So things work out for a reason, i picked the smoker, and then gave Gene the smoker i made of wood, since he didn't have one and i promised to build him one. So we ALL got a prize, and some fish to boot!
So, in closeing, i've included my half of the fish. A true SLAB of meat, and ohhhhhh soooooo good!

From the North, were derbys are fun, and we catch fish too!

Mark....."The Iron Skillet"

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