Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Window is IN!!!!

The window is finally in!
I picked it up on Friday, went crabbing on Saturday morning and tyveked the outside of the house Saturday afternoon. Leaving Sunday WIDE OPEN to pull the old slider, fix any dry rot....and if any time allowed?...install the new window! Think i got it done???????????

Here's a shot from Saturday evening. Showing the "done side" and ready for Sunday morning!

Sunday was an early get up, i knew i'd have a lot to do, even if it was a small opening.
Sure enough once i pulled the old sliding glass door and started chipping away near the chimney, i discovered the dreaded dry rot....that eventually all old houses seem to have.
So i spent about three hours chipping away and replacing a couple of old studs, while trying to be careful not to destroy the old lathe and plaster on the family room side of the house.
By noon, i had misson accomplished and after a quick trip to home depot, some even quicker framing, a lending hand of Chris the neighbor, a few choice swear words.......AND....VIOLA....THE WINDOW IS IN!

So above you can see a picture of the entire projects goal...... out with the old and in with the new!

Have to have an inside picture too ya know. although much less dramatic, you at least get a peek of what it's going to look like on the inside.

A little insulation, some Sheetrock, some siding, and........BAMM......BAMMMMM...... i should be done! (not to fear, I'm sure this will take me a couple more weeks to totally wrap this up, between work, fishing, and be sure to check back cause I'll have some more to report)
So, after a HOT hard days work, the old dingo and i settled down in the shade of the deck and "cracked" a beer to end the days hard fought victory.

So from the North, where the sun shines during the dog days of summer, and it's HOT TOO!
Mark..........."The Iron Skillet"


  1. looks good mark

    how'd you get it done so quick and done right without kev there to surpervise

  2. ok mark
    the window is in
    what else have you done lately
    it's been almost 2 weeks
