Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Outside's DONE!

It's amazing what can be done when you wake up at 4 a.m. and can't sleep. Don't ask me why, but lately when i wake during the night weather it's 2 a.m. or 4 a.m., i have a hard time getting back to sleep, so.....yesterday morning was no exception. So i got up, while everyone else slept, whent outside to find it surprisingly warm, and thought "What they hell, why not paint." So, that's what i did. Yes, it's dark at 4 a.m., but the outside light was just enough to keep me painting until dawn broke at around 6. It was actually pretty peacfull that early, and the "Old Dingo" was more than willing to keep me company.

By, 10 a.m. i had the trim all painted and was done with the paint! I'll say that even i think it turned out pretty good.

From the yard looking at both sides.....Truely DONE!

As for the inside it's getting closer. One more layer of mud on the taped seams, and it will be time to apply some texture to those newly sheetrocked walls.
Todays tasks include, the above mentioned layer of mud, Stain the deck, make another batch of Kraut, make some Zuchini Relish, and start the boat cleaning process. If I get that all done, there is always more to do around "This Old House"..........and my list is LONG on "to-do's".
Well, signing off from The North.......Where we rise early, work all day.....and finish things too!
Mark.....The Iron Skillet