Friday, January 22, 2010

Easy come....Easy Go!

Well as the title says......Easy come.......Easy go!
Yesterday Ol- Whitey" became someone elses. It was time to turn her loose. It was a good experience, and it proved that we COULD benifit from an economy car for me to drive around town (the savings in gas was amazing compared to the truck). The down side was that after Whitey's freeze up, she wasn't quite the same, and the fix-it costs were eating into the money savings department. to the next owner.
A quick add on Craigslist and she was gone within 24 hours! The price you ask?????? Well, i'll just have to keep you guessing....but, more than i paid (she was free :)) or had invested. Now the quest begins for another free car, whose name may be Ol-White-Too!

Signing off from the North......
Where some things are free.....then sold for more......and old cars rule the roads!

Mark.....The Iron Skillet

1 comment:

  1. wow mark
    i'm impressed and kevin is very happy
    three post this week
    way to go
    keep it up
